Each gift card has its own individual code. The gift card can be redeemed on the spot at the market or at the Nada online store. Gift card must be redeemed at one time. The amount that is not redeemed will not be refunded back.
If you contact me, you can order a gift card in your chosen amount.
Uz katras dāvanu kartes ir savs individuālais kods. Dāvanu karti var izpirkt klātienē, tirdziņos, vai Nada interneta veikalā. Dāvanu karte ir jāizpērk vienā reizē. Summa, kura netiks izpirkta, atpakaļ netiks atgriezta.
Sazinoties ar mani, iespējams pasūtīt dāvanu karti Jūsu izvēlētā summā.
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